
Quality Control


The quality of drinking water is periodically controlled at different stages starting from the source until it is transferred to the consumer. Water quality control begins with laboratory analyzes conducted in water sources. Drinking water is seriously analyzed by experts before being transmitted to the network and the results are registered in the Central Laboratory. Water samples are taken from different points- central reservoir, distribution reservoirs, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and public catering objects and others. Epidemiological monitoring is fulfilled by Hygiene and Epidemiology center of the Ministry of Health in the centralized water supply system.

 When the results of the analysis of water samples are considered inadmissible, the corresponding department of “Azersu” OJSC is informed and the supply of drinking water is suspended. Causes that damage to the quality of drinking water is eliminated and analysis of drinking water is carried out again. Only in the case of   positive results of analysis of drinking water is provided to consumers.

At present, wastewater generated in Baku is treated at the Hovsan, Sahil, Buzovna, Mardakan-Shuvalan and Zykh treatment plants and discharged into the Caspian Sea. Each of these facilities has laboratories to monitor the cleaning process. Norms of physicochemical and bacteriological indicators of treated wastewater are defined by the directive 91/27 EES adopted jointly by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the European Union. The following indicators are monitored during wastewater treatment:

pH, OBT5, OKT, dependent substances, coli-index, petroleum products, surfactants, fats.