
Illegal drinking water lines were prevented in a number of facilities located in Narimanov district

Created: 02-04-2024 14:55


In accordance with the Action Plan for ensuring the efficient use of water resources approved by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, control measures are being continued to detect illegal use of drinking water, minimize water losses and prevent wastage. Illegal drinking water lines were detected in a number of facilities during the control measures carried out by the employees of the Azerbaijan State Water Resources Agency in Narimanov district. The water supply systems of a car wash owned by an entrepreneur, a cafe and rental houses were inspected on the 6th Kondalan Street. It turned out that these facilities have a contract and 2 meters for the use of drinking water. However, the owner of the facility evaded accounting by laying a line outside the meter. In connection with this, although the water supply was stopped earlier, the entrepreneur illegally interfered with the line of the neighboring facility and continued to rob the water.


The State Water Resources Agency of Azerbaijan brings to the attention of citizens and entrepreneurs that illegal and off-meter drinking water supply causes violations of hydraulic regimes in networks, serious water losses, and deterioration of water supply to other subscribers living in those areas. In order to prevent such illegal situations, measures will be continued regularly, arbitrarily drawn and off-meter lines will be canceled, and law enforcement agencies will be contacted to take strict control measures against individuals and legal entities who commit these acts.